*Registration for this event has closed
The IBA has a unique opportunity for broadcast sales staffs. Mark Levy of Revenue Development Resources is hosting three, three-hour training sessions in August that will take place from 1-4 p.m. prior to the Cardinal Community Service Awards receptions.
August 20th in Evansville
Maidens Brewery and Pub (209 N Wabash Ave of Flags, Evansville, IN 4771)
August 22nd in South Bend
South Bend History/Studebaker Museum (808 W Washington St, South Bend, IN 46601)
August 23rd in Indianapolis
St. Joseph’s Brewery (540 N College Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46204)
Register by filling out the form below.
About Mark Levy
Mark Levy has 33+ years of expertise in growing revenue, relationships and skillsets for business owners, managers, sales teams and local advertisers as past VP and GSM of the Radio Advertising Bureau and current President of Revenue Development Resources (RDR). His abilities to teach, train and motivate have led him to be a frequent presenter at The Radio Show, National Association of Broadcasters, Small Market Television Exchange, International IDEABANK, National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters and Broadcast Education Association conferences. In addition, Mark has spoken internationally in Barbados, Canada, the Cayman Islands, Guatemala, South Africa and Trinidad. He has coached thousands of managers and sales executives in growing their management and sales expertise, and most importantly, their revenue.
Mark serves as lead instructor for the Florida A&M NAB Education Foundation Media Sales Institute and has served as guest instructor for the NABEF’s Executive Development Seminar. One of a handful of RAB Certified Radio Marketing Experts, he is also frequent contributor to the LBS Video Training Series and speaker for numerous Chambers of Commerce and other civic groups interested in growing the sales, management and marketing skillsets of their members.
What You’ll Learn
You’ll Learn! You’ll Laugh! And When You Get Back, You’ll Write More Large Orders More Often!
Now just the fact that the training is being held in really cool places and that it’s being done in conjunction with your Cardinal Awards should be enough to make you want to go. But there are even more reasons! If you’re a new media sales rep, you’ll learn how to do your job better, and make it more fun. If you’re a veteran, this program will help you remember strategies and tactics you may have forgotten or put on the shelf, back when your clients looked at you and said, “Without doubt, the best media salesperson I’ve ever worked with.”
And managers: should you attend? Absolutely. Managers who attend training with their teams demonstrate their belief in the value of training and the value of their team. In addition managers, you’ll pick up first-hand the strategies so that you can reinforce them back at the station.
So what will we cover? Glad you asked:
Getting Rid of “Stationspeak.”
We hate to break it to you, but your clients don’t care about your ratings, signal, format or color socks you wear…from YOUR point of view that is. So we’ll cover how to make them want to care when we cover “Clientspeak!”
We Give Great Service, Uh Don’t We?
We got the 1st order….now what do we do to make sure we keep getting them?
DEALING WITH DIFFERENT PERSONALITY TYPES: And Behold, a Green Rider Came Forth and His Name Was…Gumby!
Did you ever make a call and it just didn’t “feel” right? It probably wasn’t bad sushi. That’s why this session will focus on recognizing, getting along with and selling to different personality types. Who knows, it might even result in better relationships with your co-workers, family and in-laws. (No guarantees on that last one)
AD COPY: Killer and Killers of Ad Copy
What you convey and how you convey it can be the difference between a great campaign and a miserable failure, so we’ll analyze commercials that will make you laugh, cry and shudder. And you’ll learn how to write better copy than you ever thought you could — we promise!
And because this is broadcasting, “But wait, there’s more!” (Come on, it’s broadcasting so you knew that was coming.) We’ll throw a few other things your way, and yes, prizes too!