Spectrum Awards
A core mission of the Indiana Broadcasters Association is to celebrate the work of our membership. Each year, the IBA recognizes state TV and Radio stations during the Best in Broadcasting Spectrum Awards which includes four ties – Radio Market One (Evansville, Ft. Wayne, Indianapolis, and South Bend), Radio Market Two (all other markets), TV Market One (Indianapolis only), TV Market Two (all other markets).

Indiana Broadcast Pioneers Hall of Fame
The Indiana Broadcast Pioneers Hall of Fame honors individuals who have made significant contributions to the broadcasting industry in Indiana. Inductees include legendary radio personalities, influential television anchors, pioneering engineers, and other media professionals who have left a lasting impact on Indiana broadcasting. Nominations are accepted throughout the year and the class is voted on and chosen by a committee of the Indiana Broadcast Pioneers.

Cardinal Community Service Awards
Each Year the IBA honors the community service of our membership with the Cardinal Community Service Awards. Named after the state bird, the awards are symbol of dedicated service by our membership.

Lifetime Achievement Award
The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes individuals for exceptional meritorious service, contributions to, or achievements in the field of broadcasting in Indiana over the course of a career. This is the IBA’s highest honor and is presented to an Indiana broadcaster whose work is uniquely beneficial and of superior value to their community and to the Association

Tom Severino Leadership Award
The Tom Severino Leadership Award is given to an individual with at least 10 years of service with ties to radio and/or TV broadcasting in Indiana who has demonstrated passion for broadcast media with an emphasis on serving the public, a portfolio of leadership activities within the broadcast industry and/or within the communities served by the broadcast properties this individual worked for during their career, and a clear indication through letters of support, news articles and leadership roles in various organizations that the individual nominated clearly displayed signs of leadership.