Public Education Program (PEP)
The Indiana Broadcasters Association Public Education Program (PEP) helps government agencies and non-profit organizations deliver their important public education messages effectively and affordably to listeners and viewers of Indiana’s radio and TV stations in all 92 counties throughout the state. The IBA Public Education Program offers unparalleled exposure to virtually every Hoosier, with a return on investment of typically at least 3:1 – for every PEP commercial that a sponsor purchases, at least three commercials will hit Hoosier airwaves.
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Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC)
Before any digging project, Hoosier homeowners, contractors, farmers and gardeners are told to Contact 811 so that underground utility lines can be marked. That is why the IURC promotes its “Contact 811” initiative through the IBA’s Public Education Program sponsorship. When Hoosiers call 811, utility companies are alerted to dispatch a crew to visit the site and mark underground lines.

About Public Education Program (PEP)
How does the Public Education Program work?
The Indiana Broadcasters Association, and similar groups of broadcasters in every U.S. state, offer a cooperative program that delivers outstanding reach. IBA member Radio and Television stations donate air-time to the Indiana Broadcasters Association for use on PEP projects. IBA, in turn, makes those spots available to non-profit organizations and government agencies that need to educate the public. Every dollar invested in the PEP program delivers at least four times the value of traditional spot purchases. The result is unprecedented exposure for PEP sponsors.
Who will see or hear PEP messages?
Virtually everyone who watches television or listens to the radio in the state of Indiana will hear IBA PEP announcements.
When will your message air?
Each station commits to airing PEP messages in “best times available” basis, considering each station’s current inventory. Each PEP sponsor will receive at least 3,600 thirty-second announcements each month.
How will you know that a message aired?
Participating stations enter the spots in their logging and traffic systems and then generate an affidavit of airtime report. This report indicates the number and value of the announcements aired. As with any advertiser, proof of the station participation and the value of the airtime is reported.
Why do stations participate?
PEP funding enables the Indiana Broadcasters Association to provide services that strengthen the broadcast industry and help stations operate in the public interest. PEP revenue helps to subsidize professional education, provide scholarships for college students, operate regulatory compliance programs and fund other initiatives that serve the industry, the community and the state.
Who administer's IBA’s Public Education Program
James Reed
(502) 216-8537