The Indiana Broadcasters Association is hosting its Spring Career Day on Saturday, March 24th at the 502 East Event Centre in Carmel, IN.
Students and job seekers are invited to attend starting with a Career Panel at 9 a.m. The fair will run from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and will include TV and radio broadcasters from across the state. The event is free to attend and no registration is required for students and job seekers.
Following the career fair, the IBA and Indiana Association of School Broadcasters will honor the best in college broadcasting with an awards lunch and program.
Also at the event, the IBA will announce its 2018 Scholarship winners. This year, the IBA is awarding $45,000 in financial assistance.
PSAs for the event are available to download here.
Station Registration
Stations please out the form below to register for the IBA Spring Career Fair.