Cameras in the courtroom may be new to Indiana, but this year has been a busy one in the judicial branch as stations have learned to collaborate to provide electronic media coverage of significant court activities. While judges have the final say on whether or not cameras are allowed, the Indiana Supreme Court is interested in the media’s opinion of how things are going with the new system.
“It’s been close to one-year since rules were changed giving trial court judges the discretion to allow media to broadcast and take still photographs in court. On May 1, 2023, Rule 2.17 changed. I’d like to know how it’s going from your perspective as we continue to look for outreach and education opportunities for both judges and press. I believe there are success stories and areas of needed improvement. But I need to hear from you to confirm that,” says Kathryn Dolan, Chief Public Information Officer for the Indiana Supreme Court.
If you have experience in working with cameras in the courtroom – or if someone in your news department does – then please take this short survey by the end of the month. It should take less than 10 minutes to complete:
Click here to take survey [CLICK HERE]