2016 EAS Operating Handbook is in the Mail

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The FCC recently revised its EAS handbook, creating one published resource for both radio and TV broadcasters.  As a service to our members, IBA is having the new book printed and distributed to stations this week.

You will be receiving your station’s copy soon, and information specific to your location MUST be filled out.  By FCC decree, a copy of the EAS Operating Handbook must then be placed at normal duty positions or EAS equipment locations when an operator is required to be on duty and be immediately available to staff responsible for administering EAS tests.

Register here for a webinar next Monday, September 19, at 10:00 AM Easter Time with Indiana EAS Coordinator Dan Mettler of IHeartMedia. Dan will explain the handbook and detail the forms that need to be filed with the FCC to support the first national EAS test coming at the end of September.

To download the 2016 EAS Operating Handbook, click below.



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